Time for a reset? How to achieve your Affiliate Marketing Goals this year.

Building a successful blog is hard and you know it from your own experience.

Monetizing your blog and making it a good source of income for you is even more challenging.

It requires effort, patience, dedication and of course, love! You need to stick it out and show up consistency even when all the signs dictate the opposite. And consistency means not leaving things to chance but instead, working on your goals methodically.

And there is no better time to make resolutions and reset your goals than the beginning of the new year.

However, how you can start off?

Well, experts say that picking the right resolutions is the secret to actually achieve them!

All you need is a well-written plan with a clear list of SMART goals:

  • Specific enough to focus and direct your energies.
  • Measurable so you can keep track of your progress.
  • Actionable with clear initiating verb that prompts specific activity.
  • Relevant within the overall context of your life
  • Time-keyed so you’re prompted exactly when to act (source: https://michaelhyatt.com/activation-triggers/)

This will ensure that all the work you put in contributes to your goals.

There was an acronym coined in the journal Management Review in 1981 for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound (SMART) goals. This was a method that encourages people to think about their goals in their widest sense.

That being said, what are your goals for this year?

Before you write them down, just think… Are they clear enough to focus? You cannot just say “I want to make more money from my blog”.  It’s unclear and vague. Instead, setting a goal such as “I’d like my blog to generate 10% more profit over a 6 month period” is much more useful – it’s clear, specific and measurable.

Also, you need a concrete aspiration, so you can track the methods you implement and reinforce the progress. Do you want an increased revenue? Set a habit which supports this goal. Want more clicks on your links? Implement new affiliate strategies.

The secret here is to focus on small wins, constantly experiment and be consistent over a prescribed period of time.

That will lead yourself to a gradual progress…

Happy Holidays!